Monday, February 20, 2012

Get Rich Via the Internet

Over 4Million ugandans use the internet and 46% of ugandans have access to the internet, of these, over 340,000 are on Facebook. If each of the 4 million people gave you 1000/= per month you would make UGX 4 BILLION per month, if that is big for your mind, imagine all ugandans on Facebook giving you 1000/= you will earn 340,000,000/= per month. Its easy, just develop information or a product that they can pay you for and put it on the internet, if you have a mobile money account it will make your life a lot easier.

The internets presents myriads of opportunities for people to make it big and get rich. We live in the age of the Knowledge worker, the more you know the more relevant you are, the more you get what you know to work for you the more you get paid, and the more you get what you know to work for others you will definately get paid for the rest of your life.

For a long time now, I have been interested in the potential that is available to everyone that has access to the internet. The internet is the one element that shrinks time and space, bringing together people from all over the world in one screen, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Ebay, Youtube, eatoutuganda are some of the websites that have come and revolutionalized the lives of people world over, while making significant money for the creators of these sites.

You may say there are uganda's internet infrastructure doesnt support optimal infopreneurship. One could say how does one pay for products online, how does one know that what they have bought from you will reach them, how authentic is the information you are sharing, so I will share here today simple tips on how you can benefit from the internet in uganda and any other less developed country.

Identify a need: Do some research about the demographics that are easily accessible to you, find out what it is they need the most. Serving a need will insure your cashflow because as long as that need exists, someone will pay you to solve it. So find a need that you believe you can solve.

Unique Idea/Product/Service: Having identified a need, look into your creative genius for a breathtaking idea. you may ask if the need exists why develop a unique idea, here is why, for every need, there is someone thinking of how to solve that need, implying that there will be more players in the field thus splitting the market. That is where your unique approach comes in, think to yourself, how do I develop a system that is attractive, easy to use and practically affordable.

Implement: A unique idea is nothing if not implemented, execute your idea, this could mean, designing and hosting a website, registering a domain, creating a blog whatever that site will need.
If it is ecommerce( buying and selling things on the internet just like ebay, DHGate and the whole load of them. collect your products, and put them out there for the users to find.

PS. Content is everything, the more unique and useful your content is the more the chances that you will make it, providing content about the greatest needs of people like, Money, Housing, Relationships, Sex, Cars, Sports.

Content that provides answers to peoples most basic need for information increases the chances for people to come back to your site, case in point,, etc.
Note: To succeed on the internet, Content is everything

Search Engine Optimization:
This tool is basically about making your site and content more easily accessible to search engines like google, yahoo and the rest. Basically if I have done my search engine optimization well, anyone searching about uganda will find my site, when they type food in the google search bar the site should come up. read more about search engine optimization here.

 Social Networking: The idea of social networks it to create virtual relationships that bare the qualities of physical relationships, things like, sharing, liking, connecting, these are words that we use in everyday relationships with one another, now imagine having 2000 people within your network where you share the same friendship qualities. The same way you would introduce say a perfume to your friend, Jessie, is the same way you can reach all the rest at the click of a mouse. It is a lot cheaper and effective when used well.

The common social networking sites that you could benefit from include: Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIN, slideshare, Twitter, Blogger, Wordpress among the others. The idea of businesses being on these social networking sites is to create more visibility for your product, service or brand.

Update Content: Content is what keeps people using your site, it has got to be aesthetically attractive but more than that it must be upto date, the amount of information produced daily is astounding, information in the world multiplies 20 times over every 2 years, indicating people don't need old information unless that is what they are looking for.

So all my friends out there who are wondering how to benefit from the internet knock yourselves out.

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