Thursday, February 24, 2011

Drop The GrassHopper Mentality

Drop that Grass Hopper Mentality
Success is a perception affair, people see us as we see ourselves, and when we open our mouths to speak they get to see into our minds. Spend some time with some one you consider Successful, you will notice 3 incredible things about them:
• They think healthily well of themselves.
• They don’t speak in the negative.
• They exude confidence
One of my favorite books by John Maxwell is called “Attitude, The Difference Maker” the main ideas he articulates is that success can be gotten by doing so many things, but the thing that holds it all together is “attitude”. You can call it an aura, you can call it airs, but success rubs off, and does so through attitudes that are communicated by the way people perceive themselves and communicate what they perceive.
A story is told of a group of people that was migrating from a land in which they had been slaves for over 400 years. The land they were moving to occupy was a given, it was already delivered into their hands. In a bid to get an understanding of what they were up against they sent a dozen spies to check out the land.
The land was the most fertile piece of real estate you ever did see, I mean the temperatures were right; it had scenic views and cascading waterfalls. The birds in the land sung angelic tunes. The earth was so fertile in this place that the vine produced fruit too heavy for a single warrior to carry.
The apparent downside of the land was that the inhabitants were giants or champions if you like, the men that went to spy were considerably physically smaller in comparison to the men of the land.

This physical mismatch so intimidated 10 of the 12 men that in their report they said, “We were like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and no match for the giants”. This report spread panic in the whole migrants camp that they begun to scurry around like frightened grasshoppers around the light, in every way paralyzed by fear.
The story ends when over 600,000 failed to enter their promised land save for 2 young men who believed that they had in them what it took to take the land, but they also had confidence in the finished work of God and that he was on their side, hence “mental over match.”
Like the 600,000, I know very many people who sabotage themselves and the potential for success simply because they have no faith in themselves, they think of themselves as inferior, not good enough, damaged goods, not connected enough, not educated enough, not fluent enough, not popular enough, not strong enough, not experienced enough not brilliant enough, too young, too broke.
These perceptions place a stumbling block between us and our dreams and our success, these negative self perceptions arise out of a fear of venturing out to be all you can be lest you fall along the way.
Like the migrants, every success story has a giant in its plot, a goliath in its cast. One of my mentors once told me, “there would be no David without goliath, the two go hand in hand, just like Success and resistance.” The story of King David is a great one in discussing success, but the part that is often forgotten is the attitude of the young man as he approached his enemy, he said, “this day will the Lord deliver you into my hand, and I will kill you and sever your head from your shoulders, and give the corpses of your army to the fowls of the air” 1 Samuel 17:46

The young man went ahead to do exactly as he imagined in his (perception) head and had said (communication). The lesson to take from here in our quest for success is that we must always think ourselves to be, competent enough to do that Job, to have a great marriage, get promoted, land the business deal, affirm and confirm it by what we say, My simple success formula would be: Success {f(perception+affirmation*confirmation)attitude.}

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why you need to be a problem solver

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Look around you today, there are 2 things you will find literally everywhere, namely; Change and problems. There were days when writers used typewriters, now I do all my writing exclusively on my handheld blackberry. That is change. Our city of Kampala is having to deal with problem after problem, from fire to child sacrifice, butayimbwa and so on the madness never stops.
In such a world the most significant persons are them. That solve our problems or show us how to handle the transformations that life subjects us to. Ultimately problem solving is more an attitude than it is a skill to prove this.

When companies advertise for Jobs one common thing they are looking for are people with problem solving ability. Unfortunately, this breed of people is rare because our education basically teaches to look for problems but never to solve them.

Just look back at our exam questions, examine the challenges faced by the missionaries. What are the problems faced by fishermen in kasenyi? No one asks for the solutions that one would adopt, if they do, students must replicate what they were dictated to in class.( If this is describes you, there is hope, I will be discussing how to become a problem solver over my next 2 articles.
Employers and the economy of uganda and world over are looking for problem solvers. The thing that is common in people and businesses that weather the storms of change and problems is a creative, flexible and adaptable mind set. The world history is a collection of trends, and trends are simply series of interconnected changes and incidences over time.
In other word we see through trends, change happening and problems morphing to unfamiliar phenomena altogether. For example who knew that your phone could be a bank and a teller or that MTN is a financial institution, mobile money is an example of new problems new solutions.
As a business man you need to understand that customer satisfaction only happens when your clients’ problems are solved, they come to your restaurant to buy juice but want to take it home, solution, pack it in a desirable container don’t tell them you don’t do juice take away.
Businesses that are successful are those that endure the test of time whilst solving community problems, in to this Andrew Carnegie one of the world’s richest men and philanthropists said, ‘ if any man desire to be rich he must provide a service that solves the needs of people in commensurate proportion to their wealth.’
However the challenge your business may have set out to solve may not be necessary anymore, for example companies started to increase production of typewriters are now obsolete, those that didn’t transition are no more, Xerox on the hand understanding that their solutions were no longer relevant have gone ahead to re engineer themselves again as market leaders.
Locally speaking, barclays used to be a bank for the privileged few high end clientele only, but today Barclays problem has evolved down to individual, student and small business accounts, this is a sign of anticipating changes in needs and solving them.
1. Develop a Solution oriented attitude, quit looking at the problems and you will see the solutions. Remember it doesn’t take psychic powers to point out problems, but we worship people who help us solve these problems.
Appreciate the challenge,
It is important for you to look at your challenge in proper perspective, presumption is detrimental to any problem solving attempt because you could end up with more problems than you are trying to solve, so appreciate the gravity of your challenges.
Suggest a solution.
This is a sign of initiative,everyone is looking for it, both in private and public practice. Don’t worry what people will think of your suggested solution seeing as some of our most ingenious ideas were very stupid.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Grow your Millionaire Mindset

Have you ever wondered why there are individuals who are wealthy and there are those who are poor? Have you ever asked yourself why you can't seem to make ends meet while there are some who have riches that would last them several lifetimes?

What secrets do these successful individuals know? What kind of mystical powers do they hold?

The answer is simple. It's all in the way they think. Wealthy individuals have the so-called millionaire mindset. It is this way of thinking that separates the successful individuals from the rest of the population.

The subconscious mind is very powerful. It is much more powerful than your conscious mind. It can either help you fulfill your dream or hold you back from the success you want in business and in life.

The subconscious mind is made up of ideas and beliefs formed in early childhood. The thing is, these ideas and beliefs have a tremendous and powerful effect on our lives as an adult even if we don't consciously remember them. If you believe that money is evil or that money is hard to get, then surely you will have a hard time acquiring wealth and your success will be limited. Even though you go through the motions to reach your goal, you'll always fall short on something that is critical to your success.

But there are things that you can do today that could change your way of thinking and provide you with a millionaire mindset.

o Take absolute responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Stop blaming others for all your problems. This is actually a very powerful concept if you really think of it because it makes you realize that you ca really do and achieve anything that you want from life.

o Focus on the positive. The law of attraction states that what you attract whatever you give attention to. This means that if you focus on what you want then you'll eventually get it. We create a special vibration or emotional state with our thoughts and emotions. What we attract and draw to us, including people and situations, is a result of what we create. Therefore, if you create a negative vibration then people around you will pick up on it.

o Love your work. Are you trying to be rich by spending 50 or more hours every week doing something you hate? Of course it wouldn't work. You can only be truly successful in life if you are doing what you enjoy. The primary concept, perhaps the most important, is that your quest for acquiring personal wealth should not be centered on the money, but rather on producing quality work. You will miss out on the other riches that life has to offer if your sole motivating factor for working is money.

o Follow your own lead. It is true that sometimes copying someone else's actions or ideas can lead to some levels of success. But to become really successful, we must find our own voice and make our own path. After all, each of has is unique and has special qualities. Copying someone means that you are not employing you are not employing your talents and skills to the fullest. Maximizing the use of the gifts God has given us is the only way we can really thank Him for giving us such gifts.

o Love yourself. Believe that you have as much right to be happy as others. Believe that you deserve nothing but the best that life can offer and you will surely be blessed. Remember that it is only in loving oneself that we can truly love others. By loving ourselves and loving others, we open up ourselves to infinite blessings from the universe.

o Never, ever be envious of other's success. If you see someone with a fancy car or a beautiful house say something like "Good for him!" If someone you know gets a promotion or wins an award, congratulate him and be sincere about it. Being envious will only block money and wealth from entering your life.

Do you want to become rich? Do you want to change your present situation? Then create a millionaire mindset by following the instructions above. Before long, miracles will start to happen in your life and blessings of wealth and abundance will start flowing in.

Article Source:

Saturday, February 5, 2011


21 Characteristics Of A Millionaire Mindset 

1. Have A Big Reason Why

Without a big reason why YOU are ROADKILL! There has to be something inside of you that continues to drive you everyday powerful enough to overcome all the distractions of LIFE.

2. Pick A Few Personal Targets That Really Motivate You

A target is defined as a definite major purpose. Choose a few targets then focus on them throughout the day. By doing so you will always have a target to hit. Without having a target is no different then a ship not having a course or even a map to see where they're going.

3. Have A Work Hard Mentality

Nothing truly great has ever been accomplished without hard work. Not until your willing to give it 100% will you ever see success.

4. Have An Action Mindset

Henry Ford is a great example of having a action mindset. Look what he accomplished?Action is the KEY ingredient to wealth and abundance and also what separates the rich from the poor.

5. Don't Just Take Action, Take Massive F.O.C.U.S. 'ed Action

Personal finance best selling author Robert Kiyosaki uses the acronym F.ollow C.ourse U.ntill S.uccessful. Let's face it, life absorbs time away from us & it's so easy to get side tracked and that's why it's so important to stick to one path and channel all your energy withlaser focus until successful. Only then should you take on another course.

6. Activity Is What Create Results, Not Positive Thinking

As great as positive thinking is to keep with positive emotion, without activity you cannot succeed. That's why positive thinking alone without action of activity is dead.

7. Have A Long-Term Perspective

The majority of people who set out for success fail because people simply quit on themselves. Look, becoming a millionaire is not something that's going to be easy or happen overnight. It requires having a long term perspective. You must be willing to be in it for the long haul.

8. You Must Really Like Your Product Or Service

If you can't become passionate about your business how can you expect success out of it? Find something you truly enjoy. If you hate selling health products but you love traveling, then choose a product or service in the travel industry so you can enjoy it.

9. Your Business Will Become How You Treat It

If you treat your business like a hobby then it's going to pay you like a hobby. On the other hand treat your business like a multi million dollar business and it will pay you accordingly.

10. Do Not Be Afraid Of Failure, Embrace It

Baseball LEGAND and hall of famer "Babe Ruth" was the home run king for decades and you know what?... He also was notorious for striking out. It is through failing over and over again that makes you successful. Don't ever be afraid of failure but welcome it. You have nothing to fear but fear itself.

11. Own Reality- Most People Will Not Buy Or Consume What You Offer

Get this through your head right now because the sooner you understand this the better. Reality is most people will never buy or consume what you offer, I don't care how AMAZING it is. The truth is most people just aren't looking to buy from you.

12. Be Teachable

"When your green your growing, when your ripe your rotten." A major part of having a millionaire mindset has to do with ALWAYS being teachable. Success is a journey and not a destination, don't ever think you know it all or you will rot from within.

13. Keep Your Pipeline Full At All Times

Without customers or prospects you cannot grow your business hence the reason why your pipeline must be filled at all times if your looking to experience momentum.

14. Ask, What Would It Take To Be The Best ______?" and "What One Thing Can I Do Today To Massively Build My Business?"

This is a VERY powerful technique you can apply everyday. I challenge you to stick to it for at least 1 solid month and I promise you once you hold yourself accountable to your commitment you will see success.

15. The Phone Is Your Best Friend

The poor allow fear to control their minds so naturally they become scared to call prospects or talk to certain people. A Millionaire mindset has to overcome this fear and replace it with faith as the phone is one of the most effective tools to growing ANY business.

16. Don't Talk People Into What You Have

True marketers don't have to convince people to join their deal or become their customer. A good marketer simply supplies a demand to the marketplace no different then the way Coca-Cola or McDonalds. Only BAD salesmen waste time trying to convince people.

17. Start Where You Are At Right Now

Most people wait for the perfect time to become successful and guess what folks? That time does not exist, the perfect time is none other than right NOW.

18. Be Honest And Avoid All Opportunities Based On Greed

If your business or opportunity isn't based upon integrity and honesty then run the other way as fast as YOU can. All things based upon greed will not be around for long so don't get caught up in it."

19. Have A Prospecting Mindset

Millionaires become millionaires because they always have their business hats on. A good marketer see's the world from a totally different perspective and uses that to his advantage. Opportunity is all around us, EVERYWHERE that's why it is so important to always have a prospecting mindset.

20. Look To Infinite Intelligence For Help

Ask and you shall receive, this statement couldn't be any further from the truth. I don't care if it's God, Buddha, The Dao, Energy, or Universal Intelligence, call it what you want but fact is just ask and have faith in receiving and you will always get what you ask for.

21. As You Have Success, Be Grateful And Publicly Express That Gratitude

It is vitally important to always have an attitude of gratitude. Even before your successful this holds true and it isn't until your in a grateful state of mind that you can GROW and become successful. A special technique to remember is to always remind yourself what it is you have to be grateful for and express to others the same.

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