Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Grow your Millionaire Mindset

Have you ever wondered why there are individuals who are wealthy and there are those who are poor? Have you ever asked yourself why you can't seem to make ends meet while there are some who have riches that would last them several lifetimes?

What secrets do these successful individuals know? What kind of mystical powers do they hold?

The answer is simple. It's all in the way they think. Wealthy individuals have the so-called millionaire mindset. It is this way of thinking that separates the successful individuals from the rest of the population.

The subconscious mind is very powerful. It is much more powerful than your conscious mind. It can either help you fulfill your dream or hold you back from the success you want in business and in life.

The subconscious mind is made up of ideas and beliefs formed in early childhood. The thing is, these ideas and beliefs have a tremendous and powerful effect on our lives as an adult even if we don't consciously remember them. If you believe that money is evil or that money is hard to get, then surely you will have a hard time acquiring wealth and your success will be limited. Even though you go through the motions to reach your goal, you'll always fall short on something that is critical to your success.

But there are things that you can do today that could change your way of thinking and provide you with a millionaire mindset.

o Take absolute responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Stop blaming others for all your problems. This is actually a very powerful concept if you really think of it because it makes you realize that you ca really do and achieve anything that you want from life.

o Focus on the positive. The law of attraction states that what you attract whatever you give attention to. This means that if you focus on what you want then you'll eventually get it. We create a special vibration or emotional state with our thoughts and emotions. What we attract and draw to us, including people and situations, is a result of what we create. Therefore, if you create a negative vibration then people around you will pick up on it.

o Love your work. Are you trying to be rich by spending 50 or more hours every week doing something you hate? Of course it wouldn't work. You can only be truly successful in life if you are doing what you enjoy. The primary concept, perhaps the most important, is that your quest for acquiring personal wealth should not be centered on the money, but rather on producing quality work. You will miss out on the other riches that life has to offer if your sole motivating factor for working is money.

o Follow your own lead. It is true that sometimes copying someone else's actions or ideas can lead to some levels of success. But to become really successful, we must find our own voice and make our own path. After all, each of has is unique and has special qualities. Copying someone means that you are not employing you are not employing your talents and skills to the fullest. Maximizing the use of the gifts God has given us is the only way we can really thank Him for giving us such gifts.

o Love yourself. Believe that you have as much right to be happy as others. Believe that you deserve nothing but the best that life can offer and you will surely be blessed. Remember that it is only in loving oneself that we can truly love others. By loving ourselves and loving others, we open up ourselves to infinite blessings from the universe.

o Never, ever be envious of other's success. If you see someone with a fancy car or a beautiful house say something like "Good for him!" If someone you know gets a promotion or wins an award, congratulate him and be sincere about it. Being envious will only block money and wealth from entering your life.

Do you want to become rich? Do you want to change your present situation? Then create a millionaire mindset by following the instructions above. Before long, miracles will start to happen in your life and blessings of wealth and abundance will start flowing in.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daegan_Smith

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