Thursday, November 15, 2012

Alternative Media Usage in Uganda

Alternative Media Usage in Uganda

A paper presented by Bryan Ngonzi of The Solution Company


1. 10% of Ugandans are actively using the internet.
2. 83% of persons aged 37-65 yrs., use news papers, Television and radio as their source of news and information.
3. youth aged 14- 28, use the mobile phone as the primary source of information.

4. For the urban youth TV has been replaced with Movies and series, the radio with mp3 players and IPhones, among these people internet is the source of news, especially using social networking sites.
5. with the advent of mobile phones, SMS has increasingly become a means of communication.
6. Mobile telephony in Uganda stands at about 12 million subscribers shared among the 5 major service providers.
7. Outdoor media generally follows the busiest road networks; its effectiveness is based on traffic flow on a particular road.

2.0 What is communication Media?

Communication Media is any channel or route one takes to get a message to the intended target audience.

What makes communication effective is getting 3 things right:
Knowing your audience
Crafting a message that communicates; i.e, is easily understood
Using the right channel or media choice.

Any wrong combination of these 3, and you have an ineffective communication campaign and useless strategy

3.0 What then is alternative media?

For there to be Alternative media there has to be conventional media. By better understanding conventional media we can then demystify Alternative media.

Therefore conventional media are those media channels or modes of communication that have been around and generally accepted as the primary forms of mass communication.
Examples include:
- TV
- Radio
- News Papers
- Outdoor i.e Billboards, Suburban signs
- Magazines and other forms of print
- postering

Basically, nothing new both for the communicator and the audience. Alternative Media on the other hand, brings in the kick to communication because it is new and unconventional, the delivery of the message is the first captivator, and then the message follows.

Alternative media derives its success from the captivation of attention in a short period of time and creating immediatd Top of Mind Awareness.[ explain Top of Mind Awareness)

Alternative Media simply put is an innovative, highly engaging way of reaching the audience with a message that will create mass awareness with high message retention levels that result in desired action.

Alternative Media has also been called Through The Line Media, because it oscilates between ATL and BTL, utilizing and merging both forms of communication tactics.

Alternative Media has been around with us for quite a while because it thrives on the limitations of Conventional Media.

4.0 Limitations of Conventional Media
Literacy levels are low, making it difficult to translate the message into as many languages as the audience allows
limited reach, based on accessibility of road and communication networks, there is a direct relationship between, road access and information dissemination, if a news paper van can't access a village because of poor roads, chances are high people in that place dont have electricity, if no electricity, no TVs or mobile phones.
it is expensive
it is very generic and thus neglegible.

5.0 What forms of Alternative Media exist in Uganda

Alternative Media is perpatuated in Uganda by 3 main forces,
1. Telecommunication services of the mobile phone
2. Extention of internet access in urban and peri urban locations
3. Rural electrification.

The common forms of alternative media are divided based on the demographics of target audience. The demographics are divided into classes from A-D catering from high end, first class consumers or individuals to low end poor persons or communities. The forms of Alternative Media commonly used in Uganda include:
1. Road shows
2. Mobile Audio-Visual Units
3. Mass SMS blasts
4. Social Network sites like, facebook, twitter, youtube,
5. Local video hall
6. Point of Decision
7. Mobile Automated Phone calls.
8. Viral campaigns, both electronic and verbal
9. Guerrilla Marketing

6.0 A case study of Alternative Media Use in Uganda

1. Presidential campaign 2011- the use of Viral campaign and Automated Phone Calls
2. UHMG: Viral campaign, Point of Purchase for Protector Condoms and GENEXT Campaign for smaller families.
3. Coca Cola: video hall activation for EURO CUP
4. Electoral Commision: viral campaigns, road shows, for 2011 Election.

7.0 Advantages of Alternative Media

1. Innovative. Based on the innovation involved, the audience engagement and message retention is higher.
2. Far reaching: A/M is able to reach fringe communities not easily reached by conventional media such as, the illiterate, places with limited electrification access.
3. It is relatively cheaper in terms of cost per view or Share of Ear.
4. It is effective based on the engagement of the audience, majority of the A/M channels allow for audience engagement and participation.
5. It is more exciting and not easily turned off
6. Messages tend to be more refined and straight to the point
7. Higher retention levels of messages because of the uniqueness and multi-sensory delivery involved.

8.0 Limitations of Alternative Media usage in Uganda

1. Aversion to change
2. Low levels of professionalism
3. Measurables for monitoring can be difficult to determine
4. Limited accessibility because of electricity, and internet penetrations
5. Based on conventional media budgets, extra costs are hard to justify.

9.0 What to keep in mind while considering Alternative Media as part of a communication strategy.

1. It is complementary: innovative and exciting as alternative media may be, it is more effective working in combination with conventional media.
2. Professionalism: The precision required to pull off an alternative media strategy is immense and hardly found at the corporate office, find a professional to design, execute and monitor that campaing
3. KISS: the fundamental communiction rule applies, keep it simple stupid.
4. Matching: through research find out who the real audience is, to the last detail of what they have for supper and what time they sleep, who do they believe, detail like that will create a fool-proof message which is the goal of communication.


Alternative media is effective on results per dollar because it is founded of innovative ways of communicating radical and simple ideas.
Firms, organizations and Brands that will not shy away from investing in doing the unusual will not be disappointed when they achieve equally unusual results..
The consumer has become a connoisseur for advertising, and communication, alternative media will definitely tingle his pallet, and move his wallet.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Dream Trajectory

Sunday, July 15, 2012


You may notice that I have changed the domain of my blog, this has come after a period of self examination, which has brought me to a point of re-invention and re-branding. The Idea is to squeeze as much juice as possible from my life for the refreshment of others.

After my journey of self discovery started a few years back I am happy about the point it has brought me to. From trying to be everything to being specific about myself, and purpose, about committing all resources to being that individual God has created me to be.

The been asking myself a question that i believe every individual should ask themselves: " Who am I? why am I here, and what next when am gone?

Over the next few weeks i am going to tackle the issue about Man's search for Purpose, how to find it and how to live a truly meaningful and fruitful life.

Follow me on this Journey to a fruitful Life


Monday, February 20, 2012

Get Rich Via the Internet

Over 4Million ugandans use the internet and 46% of ugandans have access to the internet, of these, over 340,000 are on Facebook. If each of the 4 million people gave you 1000/= per month you would make UGX 4 BILLION per month, if that is big for your mind, imagine all ugandans on Facebook giving you 1000/= you will earn 340,000,000/= per month. Its easy, just develop information or a product that they can pay you for and put it on the internet, if you have a mobile money account it will make your life a lot easier.

The internets presents myriads of opportunities for people to make it big and get rich. We live in the age of the Knowledge worker, the more you know the more relevant you are, the more you get what you know to work for you the more you get paid, and the more you get what you know to work for others you will definately get paid for the rest of your life.

For a long time now, I have been interested in the potential that is available to everyone that has access to the internet. The internet is the one element that shrinks time and space, bringing together people from all over the world in one screen, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Ebay, Youtube, eatoutuganda are some of the websites that have come and revolutionalized the lives of people world over, while making significant money for the creators of these sites.

You may say there are uganda's internet infrastructure doesnt support optimal infopreneurship. One could say how does one pay for products online, how does one know that what they have bought from you will reach them, how authentic is the information you are sharing, so I will share here today simple tips on how you can benefit from the internet in uganda and any other less developed country.

Identify a need: Do some research about the demographics that are easily accessible to you, find out what it is they need the most. Serving a need will insure your cashflow because as long as that need exists, someone will pay you to solve it. So find a need that you believe you can solve.

Unique Idea/Product/Service: Having identified a need, look into your creative genius for a breathtaking idea. you may ask if the need exists why develop a unique idea, here is why, for every need, there is someone thinking of how to solve that need, implying that there will be more players in the field thus splitting the market. That is where your unique approach comes in, think to yourself, how do I develop a system that is attractive, easy to use and practically affordable.

Implement: A unique idea is nothing if not implemented, execute your idea, this could mean, designing and hosting a website, registering a domain, creating a blog whatever that site will need.
If it is ecommerce( buying and selling things on the internet just like ebay, DHGate and the whole load of them. collect your products, and put them out there for the users to find.

PS. Content is everything, the more unique and useful your content is the more the chances that you will make it, providing content about the greatest needs of people like, Money, Housing, Relationships, Sex, Cars, Sports.

Content that provides answers to peoples most basic need for information increases the chances for people to come back to your site, case in point,, etc.
Note: To succeed on the internet, Content is everything

Search Engine Optimization:
This tool is basically about making your site and content more easily accessible to search engines like google, yahoo and the rest. Basically if I have done my search engine optimization well, anyone searching about uganda will find my site, when they type food in the google search bar the site should come up. read more about search engine optimization here.

 Social Networking: The idea of social networks it to create virtual relationships that bare the qualities of physical relationships, things like, sharing, liking, connecting, these are words that we use in everyday relationships with one another, now imagine having 2000 people within your network where you share the same friendship qualities. The same way you would introduce say a perfume to your friend, Jessie, is the same way you can reach all the rest at the click of a mouse. It is a lot cheaper and effective when used well.

The common social networking sites that you could benefit from include: Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIN, slideshare, Twitter, Blogger, Wordpress among the others. The idea of businesses being on these social networking sites is to create more visibility for your product, service or brand.

Update Content: Content is what keeps people using your site, it has got to be aesthetically attractive but more than that it must be upto date, the amount of information produced daily is astounding, information in the world multiplies 20 times over every 2 years, indicating people don't need old information unless that is what they are looking for.

So all my friends out there who are wondering how to benefit from the internet knock yourselves out.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


SUCCESS MINDEDNESS: SEX DRIVER STEALERS FOR WOMEN THAT DISTRACT THEIR ...: 10 Sex-Drive Stealers for Women Find out the real reason you aren’t in the mood By Sarah Jio You used to want to tear your husband’...


10 Sex-Drive Stealers for Women
Find out the real reason you aren’t in the mood
By Sarah Jio
You used to want to tear your husband’s clothes off. Now? Not so much. If you’ve been suffering from “honey, not tonight” syndrome (a.k.a. low sex drive), health experts say you’re not alone. It’s estimated that as many as 40 million women in the United States suffer from a waning libido. Here are 10 of the most common—and surprising—reasons why your sex drive may have taken a nosedive, and how to get your groove back.
Sex Drive Stealer #1: Messy Bedroom
What does your bedroom look like right now? Is the bed unmade? Are your dressers piled high with books, magazines and dust? Past research has linked bedroom clutter with unhappiness and mild depression, but some experts take it a step further and say that a messy bedroom could be the cause of a lackluster sex drive. “We do know that women, more so than men, are prone to cognitive distractions—thinking of other things in ways that interfere with sex,” says Debby Herbenick, PhD, author of Because It Feels Good: A Woman's Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction.

A messy bedroom could increase such cognitive distractions. “It could make you think ‘I should really get new curtains’ or ‘Look at that stack of bills—I hope I already paid the electric!’” Dr. Herbenick says. “Mess is a reminder of all the things we haven't done yet. This can greatly interfere with a sense of calm, which can help women to relax, focus exclusively on their feelings of love and desire, and then get in the mood for sex.”
How to Feel Sexy Again: Tackle the clutter, and other distracting things in your boudoir. “If you and your partner watch too much TV, move it to the living room. If there's a stack of mail or bills, put them in a room that you associate with work, not sleep or sex,” recommends Dr. Herbenick.

Sex Drive Stealer #2: Anger
If you’re unsure why your sex drive has tanked lately, consider this surprising source: repressed anger. According to Pepper Schwartz, PhD, a psychologist and relationship expert for, it’s one of the biggest causes of low sex drive in women. She says, “Women who have a lot of feelings of anger toward their partner—whether it’s annoyance that he didn’t help around the house or something more serious—don’t feel like having sex. Anger quashes all desire.”
How to Feel Sexy Again: “Track down the source of the anger, and deal with it,” advices Dr. Schwartz. Whether it’s anger over his lack of empathy or the fact that he didn’t do the dishes last night, “don’t let anger become toxic to your relationship.”

Sex Drive Stealer #3: Perfectionism
Your husband’s in the mood, but you’re not. After all, how could you be? There’s unfolded laundry piled high on the bed, you just got back from the gym (and haven’t even showered yet) and the baby is probably going to wake up for his 9 p.m. feeding any second. Sound familiar? “Perfectionism places a huge burden on sex drive,” says Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD, MS, PT, a psychologist and physical therapist in Dallas. “A perfectionist thinks she needs to look and smell perfect, her mate must be perfect and the environment must be perfect.” Here’s the problem: “This state of perfection, of course, is impossible,” she continues. “Because of this, the perfectionist is stressed out about the flaws rather than enjoying time with her partner.”
How to Feel Sexy Again: “Give yourself, and your partner, a break,” says Dr. Lombardo. “Make your goal to have fun and enjoy intimacy rather than have it be perfect. That’s all he wants from you, after all.”

Sex Drive Stealer #4: The Economy
Could it be possible that the recession has entered…your bedroom? Indeed, says Dr. Lombardo. Call it a ro-cession (romance + recession) if you like, but the truth is, financial worries can have serious effects on libido. “Worry can deplete any sex drive, and it doesn’t have to be about the relationship or sex,” explains Dr. Lombardo. “Lately, a lot of my clients who are worried about the economy, losing their jobs, or not being able to retire when they had planned are also complaining of having no desire for physical intimacy. Research shows stress and worry top the causes for low sex drive.”
How to Feel Sexy Again: If you can’t make your worries go away, says Dr. Lombardo, try to get a handle on them at least. Instead of lying in bed at night thinking about how much money you lost in the stock market or whether you’re going to be able to make your house payment, tell yourself you’re only allowed to worry at certain times of the day. “Schedule some time to worry,” she says. “This may seem odd, but research shows that doing this will actually decrease your worrying.” She adds, “Physical intimacy is a great way to combat stress and worry.” So think of sex as a form of therapy. 
Sex Drive Stealer #5: Unresolved Trauma
Was your house broken into last year? Did a close relative die recently? Are you still feeling the effects of a traumatic birth—months, years later? “While trauma may have happened in the past, it can continue to affect you, and your sex drive,” says Dr. Lombardo. In fact, “some mental health professionals believe that decreased libido should be a necessary diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder.”
How to Feel Sexy Again: “Even though it may have happened in the past, you can address your reaction to the trauma,” she says. When it makes sense, “forgive the person who wronged you.” But also forgive yourself. “I often find my clients blame themselves for others’ acts.” And, do “seek professional assistance if you need to. You and your loved ones deserve it,” she says.

Sex Drive Stealer #6: High Cholesterol
A recent article in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found a correlation between high cholesterol and women who report difficulty with arousal and orgasm. Here’s why: “Cholesterol can build up on the walls of the arteries of the body, including those to the pelvic area,” says Dr. Stephanie Buehler, PsyD, a psychologist and sex therapist in Irvine, California. “Researchers speculate that when blood flow to the pelvic area is restricted, there can be less sensation in the genitals. That can make orgasm more difficult, which can in turn make sex frustrating.”
How to Feel Sexy Again: Change your diet! Dr. Buehler suggests reducing the amount of whole-milk products and animal fats you consume while upping your intake of fruits, vegetables and other fiber-rich foods, which could help block the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream and improve your sexual health.

Sex Drive Stealer #7: Birth Control
It’s ironic that the thing that is supposed to make sex feel more freeing and comfortable could be the thing that makes your sex drive flatline, but it’s true, says Leah Millheiser, MD, director of the Female Sexual Medicine Program at Stanford University School of Medicine. Hormone-based birth control, she says, increases your sex hormone binding globulin, which reduces testosterone. That’s medical speak for “there’s a good chance your birth control pills might be messing with your sex drive.”
How to Feel Sexy Again: Consider a copper intrauterine device for more lasting, and hormone-free, birth control; switch back to condoms (they’re not that bad); or talk to your doctor about changing your prescription, especially if you’re experiencing vaginal dryness coupled with a disinterest in sex. Remember, the contraceptive that works for one woman’s libido may not for another. “It’s different for every woman and depends on the formulation,” says Dr. Millheiser.

Sex Drive Stealer #8: Undiagnosed Thyroid Problem
It’s only about the size of a golf ball, but your thyroid may be wreaking havoc on your libido. According to Dr. Millheiser, one of the symptoms of the underactive thyroid condition known as hypothyroidism—along with weight gain, hair loss, dry skin and fatigue—is a faltering sex drive.
How to Feel Sexy Again: Make an appointment to see your doctor. A simple blood test can diagnose hypothyroidism, which is easily treatable with medication.

Sex Drive Stealer #9: No Date Nights
According to Dr. John Beiter, PhD, a Pittsburgh-based psychologist and sex therapist, if you don’t have a date night planned with your husband and can’t remember the last time you sat down and connected—even if it was just across the kitchen table—your sex drive may be suffering. “In my research to date, I have discovered that women with low sex drive often have a lack of emotional connection with their partners,” says Dr. Beiter.
How to Feel Sexy Again: Plan a date night, of course! In fact, go ahead and e-mail this article to your husband right now, asking him to make reservations at your favorite restaurant tonight. But here’s some homework for the bedroom: Dr. Beiter says he encourages couples to “move away from a performance-based sexuality, where sex is typically defined as intercourse and mandatory orgasms.” Instead, he suggests taking up “pleasure-based sexuality, where the focus is on pleasure, fun and intimacy.”

Sex Drive Stealer #10: You’re Nursing
You had your adorable bundle of joy months ago and lost (most) of the pregnancy weight, so why hasn’t your sex drive returned? If you’re still nursing, blame your breasts. As it turns out, prolactin, the hormone that’s responsible for lactation, is a real buzz kill for the libido, decreasing your body’s production of estrogen and testosterone. “This can lead to vaginal dryness and lack of sex drive,” explains Dr. Millheiser.
How to Feel Sexy Again: First, applaud yourself for investing in the health of your baby, says Dr. Millheiser, and remember that it’s only temporary. After all, you’re not going to be breastfeeding your baby forever! In the meantime, use plenty of lubricant and try not to feel frustrated at your body’s slowness to feel aroused.


SEX Women and Money never make a healthy cocktail, Wrong! I didn't know how much Sex, and love had to do with Wealth and Success beside mostly ruin until I was spoke to Chris a friend of mine who is an accomplished businessman and entrepreneur in Kampala.

Chris once shared with me a challenge he was facing. He said he and his wife had just had a baby and since then the sex had gone from good to bad, to not there at all, he even intimated how he fantasized about having sex with other women besides his wife.
I my head i kept saying, been their done that, bought the T-shirt and moved on. But what he said next shook me up, " The less intimate i feel with my wife, the less creative and sharp I get at work, I can't keep my head in anything i am doing, i keep going back and forth, I have also noticed that my relationship with myself has deteriorated not to mention my relationship with God."

The most perplexing part was that he felt that his mojo was hidden in his wifes, granny panties which he wasn't so keen to take off, but he and I knew that if he was going to be anything like he had been before he would have to stop watching porn and go make sweet sweet love to his wife.

We started a 7 week program that was to rekindle the passion again in his love life and eventually his business. At the end of the program which took deliberate effort on his part and lots of support on mine as well as learning, this guy was back with a bang, spring in step, cash in the bank and deals to cut, he was living it, surprisingly his wife was equally happy.

One day a friend of ours asked him why he was so happy ( this friend didn't know what he had gone through) Chris' uncharacteristic and proud answer was: "Happy wife, Happy Life".

I am going to share in 2 posts, why the woman isn't happy and in effect the man isn't bringing the money home.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

SUCCESS MINDEDNESS: Rich Friends Matter.

SUCCESS MINDEDNESS: Rich Friends Matter.: How to Get Rich Friends By Lane Cummings, Having rich friends can open you up to a world of benefits. True friends, be they rich ...

Rich Friends Matter.

How to Get Rich Friends
By Lane Cummings,

Having rich friends can open you up to a world of benefits.
True friends, be they rich or poor, make your life better. They are there for you, they laugh with you and they support you through the adventures of life. However, having rich friends poses certain advantages. Rich friends can help you enter powerful social circles where you might meet celebrities and politicians. Rich friends can give you solid financial advice, lend you access to their expensive toys such as boats and chalets overseas and potentially back your investments, not to mention expose you to a more glamorous world.
    • 1
Move to a neighborhood that is affluent, if you can possibly afford it. This is a wise move even if you have to live in a tiny shoebox, as it will put you in the constant company of rich people. You'll constantly be meeting people when walking your dog, jogging or grocery shopping and it will give you a natural place from which to start friendships. Rich people in your neighborhood will naturally consider you one of them.
    • 2
Join a country club or private club if you can afford a membership. If you can't, consider taking a part-time job there. Even though you'll be collecting a paycheck, it will still give you the opportunity to hobnob with wealthy people. For example, if you're tending bar in a swanky club, constantly chatting with millionaires, you have strong odds of actually befriending some. Don't work a job where you'll have to wear a uniform as it creates an unspoken barrier between classes, says Ginie Polo Sayles, author of "How to Marry the Rich."
    • 3
Volunteer at a charity event. While tickets to charity events are expensive, you won't have to pay a dime if you volunteer. Millionaires and other high-income wage earners frequent such places and it will be easier to meet them there.
    • 4
Get an M.B.A. An M.B.A. degree qualifies you for jobs in finance, investments, and media and entertainment -- jobs where you'll potentially make a lot of money and meet people who are doing the same.
    • 5
Employ the proper etiquette. Rich people are often wary of gold-diggers, so it's important to make it seem like money is not important to you. Don't talk about how much things cost. You can accept gifts from rich friends, but never accept money, as that could lead to a lack of respect,

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stop Sabotaging your Success.

Self-Sabotage: The Enemy Within
We all get in our own way occasionally and some people do it repeatedly. Self-sabotaging behavior results from the same cause, a misguided attempt to rescue ourselves.

By Edward A. Selby, Timothy Pychyl, Hara Estroff Marano, Adi Jaffe, published on September 06, 2011 - last reviewed on December 15, 2011
Are you sabotaging yourself? Some people drink, some procrastinate, others are just way too modest. How do you get in your own way?
1: Dodging Emotions: The Help That Harms
We often get into trouble trying to escape intense negative feelings.
Everyone does it sometimes. Some do it regularly—shoot themselves in the foot or put obstacles in their own chosen path. Behavior is self-sabotaging when in attempting to solve or cope with a problem, it instigates new problems, interferes with long-term goals, and unsettles relationships.
Comfort eating is a common form of self-sabotage, especially when a person has weight concerns; self-medicating with drugs or alcohol is another common form, although procrastination may be the most common of all. Less common is self-injury/cutting to escape painful emotions, or going on shopping sprees when one can't afford the merchandise. Click here for more.
Bottom of Form
2: Procrastination: Oops, Where Did the Day Go?
We fool ourselves in the minute-by-minute choices we make.
When it comes to self-sabotage, procrastination is king. Why? Because procrastination is the gap between intention and action, and it is in this gap that the self operates. The undermining behavior lies in not closing the gap.
We make an intention to act, the time comes, but instead of acting we get lost in our own deliberation, making excuses to justify an unnecessary and potentially harmful delay. Who makes this decision? We do. The self, in fact, sabotages its own intention. Click here for more
3: Extreme Modesty: The Case of the Disappearing Self
There is a point at which ingratiation is corrosive, and women too often find it.
Self-sabotage can show up in the strangest places. Take the recent neuroscience lecture in New York, which was followed by the customary question and answer period. Eventually, the speaker announced there was time for only two more questions, and a female neuroscientist, probably in her late 30s, wound up with the last slot. But instead of asking her question straightaway, she fell into what might best be described as a self-effacing dance. "Oh my gosh," she said, curling around the microphone stand as if to disappear into it, "I'm the last questioner. I feel almost guilty." She declared her near-guilt again before posing her question. I forgot the question. But the prologue was memorable—it made the audience squirm. Click here for more.
4: Addiction: The Long Slide
"I Did All the Things I Wasn't Supposed to Do"
Self-sabotage is not an act, it's a process, a complex, tragic process that pits people against their own thoughts and impulses. Though we all make mistakes, a true self-saboteur continues to try to fix those mistakes by top-loading them with increasingly bad decisions.
Addicts, for example, present a parade of excuses and delusional thinking while avoiding the painful, decisive action necessary to set their lives right. All too often we hear stories of talented individuals who, despite much potential, allowed drugs and alcohol to drag them down. For some, this is fodder for celebrity gossip and tabloid junk. For me, it's the story of my life. Click here for more

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Part 1
Last week I shared the most important key to achieving your dreams, however it was quite broad and sweeping. I have spent the past week reviewing from my own life as well as those of other successful people, like Mulwana, Lee Wan Kyu, W. Clement Stone among others and I picked out points of a trajectory that I found to be identical in every single course.
There is a common saying that if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. I find this statement absolutely true. This article is about getting you from where you are to where you really would love to be in a very practical 7 step approach.
1.       Clarify your Dream. 
Clarity is absolutely critical to the achievement of any dream, the last thing you want in life is to have an ambiguous ambition, it’s like playing soccer with no goal to score in or running a race with no finish line. Having this finish line will determine the course and the direction in which you run.
The scripture says, write the Vision down and make it plain, and give it to the runner to run with it. Writing your dream will help you create a definite and succinct vision statement. That anyone in your team can run with.
Be absolutely clear on the following; what exactly is that dream, in what shape, color, location, person does it come, at what point in life do you want to see this dream come to pass. Having a clear vision and understanding of your dream will make the navigation towards it a lot simpler. Imagine driving a car in a very foggy weather that is what it’s like to have a dream you are not clear about.
You have got to be unequivocally crystal clear about the thing you will call your dream, because failure to have that is to set yourself up for the counterfeit, by now you know that the counterfeit never counts.

2.       Believe it and see it.
Interestingly you will never be able to see your dream in the physical until you have seen it in the mental. 
First you conceive your dream, then you convince yourself, and you will achieve that dream. I have said it before, faith in your dream is of at most importance, if you don’t believe your dream no one will believe it either.
Belief in ones dream produces conviction, conviction stirs up charisma, and charisma creates disciples and tribes. Hearing Martin Luther Jr sharing his dream about an equal united states was a very electrifying experience, so many years after he died, the dream still lingers in the hearts of a generation, bearing the fruits he only beheld in his mind and was convinced of in his spirit.
Again I say, after you are clear with your dream, believe it, see yourself living it. Make use a tool called Visualization, take 10 minutes every day to see yourself in your mind living that dream.
3.       Act as if
Then live as though you have already achieved that dream. I remember before I bought my first bike I used to say to people, I have bought a bike, I ride a bike, this was long before I actually bought it. I would go into the parking lot and act as if I was dismounting a big bike. Not long after this experience, I bought my first 400 CC cruiser bike that I love so much.
Jack Canfield in his book Success principles states that the subconscious does not know the difference between reality and vision, but works on suggestion, so suggest to your subconscious mind that it is finished through the way you walk, talk, carry yourself, then your subconscious mind will show you ways to make your dreams a reality