Thursday, January 19, 2012

Part 1
Last week I shared the most important key to achieving your dreams, however it was quite broad and sweeping. I have spent the past week reviewing from my own life as well as those of other successful people, like Mulwana, Lee Wan Kyu, W. Clement Stone among others and I picked out points of a trajectory that I found to be identical in every single course.
There is a common saying that if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. I find this statement absolutely true. This article is about getting you from where you are to where you really would love to be in a very practical 7 step approach.
1.       Clarify your Dream. 
Clarity is absolutely critical to the achievement of any dream, the last thing you want in life is to have an ambiguous ambition, it’s like playing soccer with no goal to score in or running a race with no finish line. Having this finish line will determine the course and the direction in which you run.
The scripture says, write the Vision down and make it plain, and give it to the runner to run with it. Writing your dream will help you create a definite and succinct vision statement. That anyone in your team can run with.
Be absolutely clear on the following; what exactly is that dream, in what shape, color, location, person does it come, at what point in life do you want to see this dream come to pass. Having a clear vision and understanding of your dream will make the navigation towards it a lot simpler. Imagine driving a car in a very foggy weather that is what it’s like to have a dream you are not clear about.
You have got to be unequivocally crystal clear about the thing you will call your dream, because failure to have that is to set yourself up for the counterfeit, by now you know that the counterfeit never counts.

2.       Believe it and see it.
Interestingly you will never be able to see your dream in the physical until you have seen it in the mental. 
First you conceive your dream, then you convince yourself, and you will achieve that dream. I have said it before, faith in your dream is of at most importance, if you don’t believe your dream no one will believe it either.
Belief in ones dream produces conviction, conviction stirs up charisma, and charisma creates disciples and tribes. Hearing Martin Luther Jr sharing his dream about an equal united states was a very electrifying experience, so many years after he died, the dream still lingers in the hearts of a generation, bearing the fruits he only beheld in his mind and was convinced of in his spirit.
Again I say, after you are clear with your dream, believe it, see yourself living it. Make use a tool called Visualization, take 10 minutes every day to see yourself in your mind living that dream.
3.       Act as if
Then live as though you have already achieved that dream. I remember before I bought my first bike I used to say to people, I have bought a bike, I ride a bike, this was long before I actually bought it. I would go into the parking lot and act as if I was dismounting a big bike. Not long after this experience, I bought my first 400 CC cruiser bike that I love so much.
Jack Canfield in his book Success principles states that the subconscious does not know the difference between reality and vision, but works on suggestion, so suggest to your subconscious mind that it is finished through the way you walk, talk, carry yourself, then your subconscious mind will show you ways to make your dreams a reality

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