Tuesday, May 18, 2010

On Following Instincts

HI guys i want to take some time to document this road i am walking, and a few years later i want to look back and know that the decision i have made today will not come back to haunt me.

A quick recap: i have been working as an intern with this consultancy firm for the past 7 months now, and it has been a more than great experience, it has been phenomenal, the growth and the opportunity as well.

I have been extended an opportunity to continue that internship for the next 6 months, that should be great, right, i think. any way for the past 5 months i have been doing a lot of thinking and developing new products for the company, which has not been fruitful save for the claps i received for a brilliant presentation.

as i look back today there is nothing i could possibly regret save that i had to cut off my hair when i wanted to dread it, i sacrificed it hoping to get a job. Well at least my fiancee has let me grow it after the wedding.

Today i want to specifically write about following that gut feeling to do something that is totally contrary to sound reason, every one of us has instincts that we can follow or can ignore. but today my wild idea is that you follow your instincts, as long as they don't involve you kicking your boss in the behind.

My instincts for the past few weeks have been telling me that it is time to leave and venture out on my own, now when i say on my own i don't have any thing in form of capital, as a matter of fact i will be vacating the house i have been living in because i can't pay my land lord, i have nothing else to sell to pay her. All i have is my BlackBerry and a crushed computer as well as some ideas, ultimately i have jesus but i am venturing out i am daring to step out of the boat.

i have asked myself what it is exactly i am going to do, am i going to beg am i going back home, none of the above, i am going to use my head. i have heard people telling me about working entrepreneurs, but that isn't me, i am a roving one, i am simply not cut out for a regular job, that just isn't me, i am a non conformist who will do my best to be different and not fit in especially where i have a choice.

honestly it is scary, how will i eat, i have a wedding coming up, bills and debts to pay and yet i am asking to walk away from a potential job. it doesn't make any bit of sense, but get this i have companies i have registered, ideas i have nurtured, things i believe i am well empowered to do given that i have sufficient motivation to do them.

I wish to address this article to individuals out there that are not satisfied with their lives and circumstances, people whose ambitions have been paralyzed by their fear of failure, i want to say that it could be worse for you, what you fear doesn't have to get the keys to your destiny if anything you can harness that fear into something that you can work with to achieve your wildest dreams.

you could ask me, am i scared? heck yes, petrified if you like, but i will not let fear hold me back and keep me unsatisfied and unhappy, if those things don't come to me while i am here i will go and get them where they are, but certainly they are not in this boat with me, they totally aren't.

follow your instincts, yes get the counsel on the possible worst case scenario, as in if the worst came to the worst, where would you end up, but also ask yourself, if the best came where would you rather be, comfortable or proactive.

I will let you know day by day until i have made my first million but, i will not give in i will not give up, and so shouldn't you.

remember that failure is simply an opportunity for you to start over more intelligently, and failure is not bad if it isn't fatal, if anything it is a raw material for the achieving of authentic and tried success.

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