Friday, May 14, 2010

thinking creatively

I am amazed at how many of us are content with being in the rat race of life.
Just today I told my accountant that I am tired of FIRE FIGHTING. She asked me what firefighting is, I told her it is living from paycheck to paycheck and from hand to mouth.
Earning money but never being able to enjoy it because you have problems to solve in reccurance.

This can be a very fruistrating existence, I call it an existamce because most of the time you probably are complaining and would trade places with a corpse anytime.

You don't have to live like that! Granted, life gives us circumstances that are grim and dark, it is these that should conjure up a desire for better things.

I call it creating the light for your darkness.

I know many of you actually do think, but unfotunately about the wrong thing. The only thing that could ever come from thinking about the problem is more problems and all sorts of diseases. So I suggest you begin thinking deliberately about the solution to your predicament.

I like to say there is no problem that can withstand the onslaught of sustained creative thought.

Just the other day I came home to find that my electricity had been diconnected for non-payment, and just as I was cozzying up to the darkness the landlady walked in to collect her money, which you can guess I didn't have.

She gave a 2 day ultimatum, I thought to myself ' bryan ngonzi' walk the talk of creative thinking or be evicted, I scratched my head sore and the only thing I could come up with was to sell my kidney, nuh!!! Would only do that for my children, but there were these two flood lights I used to practice my motivational speeches, and as you could guess I paid my land lady from what I got for them. And the rest is history.
Now you may not agree to my approach but, in my circumstances I chose not to be despondent but responsive, I will buy a mirror for practice but atleast have a roof over my head.

Focusing on the problem will take the very fight out of you, because the more you see the problem the smaller the solution looks.

What out for my next edition of, 'Creating your desired Circumstances'

Use your head
Bryan Ngonzi

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