Monday, January 9, 2012

Lean In Towards your Dream

Lean in Towards Your Dream.
The baganda have a saying that goes “ linda kigweyo, affumita mukyila” translated “he who waits for the whole beast to reveal itself only spears the tail.” We all know what good an antelope tail can do for a family, exactly, nothing. There is a Jewish equivalent of the above proverb that goes, “he who waits for the perfect winds never sows.” Simply because there is no perfect time to do what you have always wanted to do with your life.
We have something we would really love to do, but what keeps us frozen in our paths, is not knowing where to start, this article is about helping you start out towards  your dream until you get there, leaning in towards it in the same manner you foot leans in on the accelerator when you are driving your car. 

On every road towards success is a series of logical steps which we must follow through to their logical conclusion. When you set out to go to Mbarara from Kampala at night, your lights don’t flash all the way to Mbarara but only 10-20 feet ahead of you simply because that is all you need to see; a few feet at a time, this is called the principle of leaning in or momentum.

The principle is the same in life, whatever it is you want to achieve don’t sit back and wait for everything to fall in place, if you have a dream to own a fleet of haulers and trucks, save up for a pick up, you run that pick up believing that it will get you there. The principle of Leaning in must be merged with faith.
Significant achievements in life have Vision at their epicenter. Vision requires faith, what is faith, it the evidence of things hoped for, the substance of things unseen.
We all need a certain level of faith daily, for example, how do you know the driver of the taxi you take to work knows what he is doing or that the chair you are going to sit on at work is intact and won’t give way under you. It is the same way when we are trying to achieve significance in life, be it as small as getting the job, a promotion, making your first sale, getting married, you have got to only believe.
Faith is essential to the Principle of leaning in because it provides the logic, it’s almost like the treasure hunt, after a certain stretch you find a clue, then you follow the clue believing it actually will get you to your treasure. I hate to sound overly simple, but that’s just the way it is, you want to be great musician, you open your mouth and sing,  you watch music videos, you go to music school, you enter a competition, you perform, then you get the award.
You have got to be convinced about your cause before you discover your course, an example is our own, president Museveni who started his war of liberation with only 21 men and 7 guns, five years later he had a whole army marching onto this city.
I personally have a dream of building 100 estates over the next 10 years, while I could have waited to get the 350 Billion it, I have acquired 1 acre of land. Though this acre may only be 0.0007 of all the land I need for this project, that one acre for me is the 20 feet of light, I believe when I come to the end of this 20 feet another 20 feet  will show up for me to follow.
what I would like to submit here is that the perfect moment will not come, you have got to get into your car, start the engine if you want to move, because whatever you do, you can’t turn a static car, you need momentum.
I guarantee you that once you have gathered momentum towards your dreams it will become a lot easier, people will begin to show up who will navigate you towards your goal.
Every revolutionary, successful businessman, academic, will tell you the same thing; you set a goal, and drive towards it, one mile at a time.

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